Van Buren Township

Water & Sewer

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water & sewer 
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Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Please Call: 734-699-8925
After Hours, Weekends, Holidays Please Call: 734-699-8930


department overview

The Water & Sewer Department provides water and sewer services to Van Buren Township. We ensure that the community's drinking water is safe and meets all federal and state drinking water standards.

WATER: Van Buren Township obtains its water service from the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) through meter pit connections that connect the regional water transmission mains to the Township’s distribution system, which in turn, transmits the water to our residents and businesses. The Township initially entered into a model water service contract with DWSD (prior operator of the system) in 2012 which was transferred to the newly established Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) in  December 2015. 

SEWER:  Van Buren Township has a 1.3 MG Equalization Basin as part of the sanitary sewer system, and it is used to store peak wet weather flows during rain events.  The EQ Basin helps ensure that discharges from Van Buren Township do not exceed the purchased capacity in the wastewater systems in which we send the Township's flows.

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